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CIY 2025 IS JULY 7TH - 11TH



The Æffect Store is the place to purchase MOVE apparel and resources! If your child would like to purchase anything from the AEFFECT Store they will need to bring some extra money.




We give students the opportunity to encounter Kingdom workers, hear Biblical truth taught and be exposed to some great Christian practices during elective time at MOVE. Electives are offered on a range of topics to provide ample opportunity for further discussion.


Small Group Material

Material for Small Group Time is provided online before MOVE begins. Small groups are extremely important at MOVE. The MOVE team works all year developing lessons and material that will equip you to lead your small group with excellence and confidence.


Adult Leaders Meeting

Each day of MOVE, the director will hold an Adult Leaders Meeting. This meeting will take place while the students attend the Morning Show. It’s an opportunity for leaders to prepare for the day and learn about CIY.


The MOVE App


The MOVE app is available on every smart phone platform. The app contains information about MOVE and CIY, devotions for each day, the weekly schedule, and other pages just for fun! This app will guide your group through their week at MOVE.

Youth Group Time

Each night after the Evening Session, each group will get together to talk about the day and pray together.


Decision Time


At the conclusion of some Evening Sessions, an invitation is offered for students to respond and make a public decision about where they are in their relationship with Christ. Common decisions include accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, repenting of sin, asking for prayer, and determining to pursue ministry as a career.




Once during the week, MOVE asks everyone to skip-a-meal. The money is used to help fund MOVE’s International Conferences in places such as India, Ghana, Costa Rica, Philippines, Myanmar, and others. During "skip-a-meal" the campus will not provide a meal, however, you are welcome to take your group off campus for lunch.


The Alternative


MOVE provides an opportunity for students to share their talents (singing, instrumental, bands, skits, poetry, comedy, etc.). Students sign up for limited spots and perform on the main stage. 


The Next Level


This is an option for graduated seniors. The Next Level is an in-depth Bible study taught by the Morning Speaker while everyone else is in Encounter Time. This is a great opportunity for them to get an inside glimpse of each day’s theme, ask questions, and be challenged in their faith. 



Encounter Time


Following the Morning Session, students and leaders are dismissed to Encounter Time and Small Groups. This creates an opportunity for them to participate in devotions that are tied to the daily themes. The devotions can be found in the Student Magazine.


Extended Recreation


This is an opportunity for youth groups to enjoy an extended afternoon of free time.  


Afternoon Recreation


The options at every campus are different and will be announced at the event. MOVE organizes tournaments during some of the afternoons: 3-on-3 basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee and dodgeball.


Morning Show


The Morning Show is designed to wake students up through funny videos, engaging interaction, and whatever crazy ideas MOVE can come up with.  


Kingdom workers


A Kingdom worker is a Christian who uses whatever sphere of influence he or she has to proclaim the message of Jesus. Kingdom workers include school teachers, moms, high school basketball players, bass guitarists, doctors and a countless list of others. Their ministry may look different, but they have each surrendered to Jesus, and are committed to using their gifts, abilities and relationships to advance his Kingdom.



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